Are you a member of the local Sam’s Club in Lexington? Here is the current Sam’s Club gas price in Lexington, KY information that you need to know!
Fuel prices are updated as of 09/08/2024 | |||||
Name | Unleaded Gas Price | Premium Gas Price | Diesel Price | Address | Hours |
NameLexington | Unleaded Gas Price$2.859 | Premium Gas Price$3.489 | Diesel PriceN/A | Address1063 New Circle Rd. N.E. Lexington, KY, FAYETTE 40505 859 253 2885 | HoursMon to Fri (6:00 am – 9:00 pm) Sat (6:00 am – 9:00 pm) Sun (8:00 am – 7:00 pm) |
NameNicholasville | Unleaded Gas Price$2.669 | Premium Gas Price$3.319 | Diesel Price$3.199 | Address103 Bryant Dr. Nicholasville, KY, 40356 859 881 0431 | HoursMon to Fri (6:00 am – 9:00 pm) Sat (6:00 am – 9:00 pm) Sun (8:00 am – 7:00 pm) |
According to GasBuddy, the current average is $3.26 per gallon as of March 30, 2023. This is 74 cents cheaper than the $4 average back in July 2022.
As of Mar 30, 2023, the Sam’s Club gas price in Lexington, KY, was $2.99 for unleaded and $3.48 for premium gas. However, refer to our table above for more accurate and updated gas prices.
Gas prices are primarily between $3.05 to $3.29 in Lexington. GasBuddy reported the lowest gas price in Lexington to be $2.95 per gallon as of March 30, 2023.
Sam’s Club basic membership dues went from $45 to $50 and the yearly premium membership rose from $100 to $110 back in 2022. Find out more information about the membership dues raised in this WCNC news coverage video.